Wednesday, March 16, 2011

warmer weather

well, the cats out of the bag... I have been chosen to be the RA (Residents Assistant) for Zion Hall next year! I am incredibly excited. after having lived on such an awesome hall for 2 years, I am more than overjoyed to be given the opportunity to lead and serve the people who will be living here next year.

A little bit about the awesome place called Zion Hall: we are a safe and secure city, a place of trust and brotherhood. It might sound cheesy, but this has really been a place where I can share anything and where I can challenge others and be challenged. from my understanding it has been the same for the others who have lived here. The other great thing about Zion has been the relationships between many of us who have lived here for more than a year or two, and the values that we take from each year on the floor to the next year, as we step into leadership and just shape the environment of the floor. Even though people move off the floor we have many off-campus brothers who still come to floor meeting each week, and in fact there are already 3 houses within a 3 minute walk that are inhabited by guys who have lived on the floor and are still a part of the community.

Okay, I'm done bragging.

LYC is this weekend, and I'm super excited to be part of the prayer sub-team this year. It promises to be a busy and exhausting weekend, but I think it will be incredibly powerful and I'm excited to see what God will do and hopefully be a part of it.

I also cleaned my room today. Crazy I know! the reason: I will be having 8 youths staying in my room over the weekend. 8. for the last two weeks my floor has been almost completely covered so its a relief to be able to safely cross it.

I should get some sleep, and get ready for another busy day! goodnight

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the breaking point

Everything is crashing down around me. my student loan application somehow got filled out wrong, and I have been on hold for almost an hour waiting to talk to someone at the student financing office to sort it out and clarify that I do not make $2700 a month while IN SCHOOL. not to mention the due date for signing up for my royal conservatory guitar exam being today, and having no method of paying since they only accept credit card. not to mention the CRA sending me a letter telling me that they gave me too much money on my tax return, which I already spent on textbooks... not to mention that I haven't practiced in 2 days and havent practiced conducting in nearly a week...

I usually reach a point where there is so much stress coming down at once that I kind of just shut off and ignore it. I am at that point now, and its actually not that bad. I'm doing my best to handle each situation one at a time, and I know there is nothing more I can do. I also have an interview for the position of RA in an hour, so I won't let myself freak out until at least after that interview.

also my choir folder is missing..

I wish I had an "on the bright side" comment, but I really don't. I guess the bright side might be that I don't have to get up early tomorrow?